So I spoke with Dan of 1977 Mopeds about getting one. He worked hard and scoured all his sources for one. Despite Emily saying Hanydbikes "had a TON of em," they either no longer exist, or BJ just can't find them amongst the masses of parts. So Dan tried once again, and managed to find the only front rack he had in stock at all anywhere. We weren't sure if it would work, but it was sent my way.
After breaking about 4 drill bits, a bit of grinding, some clever mounting techniques, and much frustration I got it to work out. I now have the most utilitarian, cargo capable moped I know of. Front rack, rear rack, and saddlebags. I suppose some front panniers and a few milk crates could up my capacity a bit...

The only thing I would like to change is the color from chrome to black to blend it in better and match the rear rack. But chrome is hard to paint over and I was done dealing with it for the day. Not to mention I had offered to help Chicago fix his Baretta Magnum.
It had no spark, and the wiring needed some maintencane. After fucking with it for several hours we deduced the condenser had failed. A short trip to the auto parts store for a 62 Chevy Nova condenser, a quick extraction of the old condenser, and his bike was alive with spark.

Joel also invited himself over with a Box O' Hobbit and painted all the parts outside in the rain. It is quite the beautiful finish. He successfully reassembled the entire moped and rode it up and down the street. It was overall a very productive day.

I also got to test out my new front rack. It works great...

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