The ultimate fall of the man who spends more time cleaning his mopeds than riding occured this weekend that happened to be the memorial ride for someone else completely who is neither yet a complete specter nor an absolute embodied fact held down by laws of gravity, just way too much moonshine.
To go on, the catastrophy of the man involved a very spirited Morton Medallion and the worlds former largest man made island that may or may not be the very island from LOST remodeled because strange shit happens in this strange deserted place which reveals sign of past human occupation, also perhaps an odd fisherman who says nothing, nor recognizes the indecent in any way when you crash directly next to him, and you happened to have simultaneously just lost with an incomplete default in the racing of the ZigZag Time Trials Race in this anomaly site known to us as Public Access space Terminal 18 with the result being a perfect replica body cast embedded in the shrubbery for future generations to view:
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