About 10 months has passed since the resurerection and transformasturbation of my minimagnumb into the almighty F.L.E.E.T.T.R.E.A.T.S. EDITION LIMITED MINIMAGNUMBLUE LTD EDITION. Ol' Bluey has held it up surprisingly well, requiring very minimal work and/or maintenance. Even most recently covering a 120 mile journey on a bone white hot plug, so hot actually that it performed reverse alchemy, or perhaps a more simple colorization due to heat, and turned the gold external spark plug metal to blue! But nary a seize at full power ahead, just a little sniffle in the hill climbing department, fortunately I managed to top those ass well. I give unwarranted partial credit to A.D.D. Motorworks's owner and proprietor Sir Bradley John Johnsen with and 'E's couple of dremely minutes spent on my wicked fast 50cc TCCD kit, which is proven apparently now indestructible. Beyond my undeniable and impeccable mechanical skillz, I have made quite a many full rotations of my wheels counting out to thousands of hard miles on hard ground, and some not so hard ground, with yet to wash off the grit, grease, grime, blood, and mud since its date of reveal 11-08-08. This photo really doesnt do a good job of showing how filthy it is, but it does do a good job of being a photo of my lovely little motorbike.
